Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Metabo 02267000 ( SSE18LTXBL )'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Metabo 02267000 ( SSE18LTXBL )

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Technical drawing 2
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Metabo 02267000 ( SSE18LTXBL )

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

1 341723560 1.55 1.86

2 343448930 8.89 10.67

3 344114180 1.55 1.86

Cover Strip SILVER
18 341167110 1.55 1.86

19 343087600 5.18 6.22

20 341167120 3.71 4.45

21 320054600 5.18 6.22

22 341704970 1.55 1.86

Dish wheel
23 316098780 16.25 19.50

Bearing cover RTS 400 REQ
24 341213090 1.55 1.86

Groove ball bearing, 12x24x6
25 143116060 5.18 6.22

26 341213080 4.51 5.41

27 344114170 1.55 1.86

Gear Housing
28 316098770 16.25 19.50

Countersunk screw
29 141124880 1.55 1.86

30 344102240 16.25 19.50

Chuck lever OSC 18
31 343448380 3.02 3.62

32 343448920 1.55 1.86

Spacer STM 1800
33 341213490 1.55 1.86

Fillister head screw
34 141110540 1.55 1.86

35 339149290 1.55 1.86

36 339149310 1.55 1.86

Chuck lever OSC 18
37 343448390 2.28 2.74

38 341519760 1.55 1.86

Shaft Compl.
39 316097970 10.38 12.46

Complete armature,18V
40 310013150 67.33 80.80

Complete Field Pack
41 311013190 53.86 64.63

Ch-over switch TXS Li
42 343412010 1.67 2.00

Electrical switch
43 343412160 11.74 14.09

Electronic unit compl.
44 316080370 201.99 242.39

Type plate HK 85 EB 230V
45 338072160 1.67 2.00

Rubberen buffer
46 344102140 1.55 1.86

47 343447510 1.55 1.86

Type Plate Silver/Black
48 338131200 1.67 2.00

Self-tap fill h screw
49 141116020 1.67 2.00

Insert element
50 343447010 1.55 1.86

Identification plate, CAS
51 338129960 1.67 2.00

Complete Pusher
54 316098790 53.86 64.63

Complete Handle
56 316098800 32.27 38.72

Full intake
57 316069740 16.25 19.50

Full gasket
58 316069750 2.28 2.74

FABRIC STICKER (unprinted)
59 339011530 1.67 2.00

Inlay highly flammable
60 344000470 1.55 1.86

Locking device compl.
66 316066720 3.02 3.62

Compression spring
67 342004180 1.55 1.86

Indication Plate 50 x 16
70 338121950 1.55 1.86

Tube vet 50 gr. 1,8oz
880 344131280 16.25 19.50

No information available, not orderable
1001 338510500

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