Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Metabo 06102000 ( SBE610IMPULS )'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Metabo 06102000 ( SBE610IMPULS )

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Technical drawing 2
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Metabo 06102000 ( SBE610IMPULS )

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

1 341511630 4.51 5.41

Clamping piece
2 343359780 5.18 6.22

3 141116160 1.67 2.00

Side support handle
4 314001280 8.89 10.67

Handle TSC 55
4 314000550 5.87 7.04

Handgreep compl.
5 314000840 8.89 10.67

6 341701940 1.67 2.00

Self-tap. fill. h. screw
7 341701470 1.55 1.86

Tandwielhuis compl.
8 316041160 53.86 64.63

9 343392760 1.55 1.86

10 341012790 3.02 3.62

11 341604010 16.25 19.50

Spur gear
12 340012550 21.64 25.97

13 143191930 1.67 2.00

14 320050260 3.71 4.45

15 339006930 1.67 2.00

Tandwielflens compl.
16 316041130 48.48 58.18

Fill. head screw
17 141120070 1.55 1.86

Disc spring
18 141150590 1.55 1.86

Ball bearing 8x22x 7
19 143114880 3.02 3.62

Anker compl.
20 310009920 100.74 120.89

Self-tap. fill. h. screw
21 341570120 1.55 1.86

Ball bearing 6x19x 6
22 143114750 3.02 3.62

23 143192430 1.67 2.00

24 343392750 3.02 3.62

25 311010760 37.65 45.18

Carbon brush complete with insert,230V
26 316041730 18.80 22.56

Motor compl.
27 317003280 187.73 225.28

No information available, not orderable
28 338047540

Motor housing
29 343398850 8.89 10.67

No information available, not orderable
30 399999990

31 343392770 16.25 19.50

Terminal cpl.
32 344496660 1.55 1.86

Terminal cpl. Bocal aspiracao co
33 344496670 1.55 1.86

Terminal cpl. Bocal aspiracao comp.
34 344496680 1.55 1.86

No information available, not orderable
35 344496710

36 344497310 4.51 5.41

37 344497320 5.18 6.22

38 343391620 1.55 1.86

Electronic switch, Pulse 230 V
39 343408330 80.81 96.97

Metabo plate,52x22 SBE 610 Impulse
40 338120420 1.55 1.86

Self-tap fill h screw
41 141116020 1.67 2.00

Cable clip
42 343362490 1.67 2.00

43 344097860 1.55 1.86

Kabel m. CEE-stekker
44 344493180 21.64 25.97

retaining plate
45 343392950 1.55 1.86

46 339040930 1.55 1.86

Special grease
880 145011110 53.86 64.63

No information available, not orderable
1001 338504670

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