Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Makita HS7101'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Makita HS7101

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Makita HS7101

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

Tap screw 4x18
001 265A48-7 0.90 1.08

002 453288-5 2.05 2.46

Brush holder cap
003 643650-4 0.83 1.00

Brush Set Cb174
004 196018-8 6.58 7.90

005 896688-0 2.80 3.36

Tap screw 4x18
006 265A48-7 0.90 1.08

Screw 5x45
007 911268-2 0.83 1.00

Motor Housing
008 141310-7 41.78 50.14

Carbon brush holder A
008A 643536-2 1.54 1.85

Light circuit
009 631710-4 12.58 15.10

Speed control circuit
010 620075-9 45.06 54.07

Lock button
012 453284-3 0.83 1.00

Compression Spring 4
013 231469-9 0.83 1.00

Switch Sge210R-3 Hs6101
014 651362-5 21.70 26.04

Terminal block
016 654531-7 2.16 2.59

Tap screw 4x18
017 265A48-7 0.90 1.08

Clamp Bracket
018 687124-5 0.83 1.00

Power cord 2x1.50 4.0mtr
019 695123-3 21.70 26.04

Cable grommet 10-90
020 682505-8 1.72 2.06

Handle Cover
021 453282-7 10.84 13.01

022 628815-9 37.12 44.54

Stator spring Cb5
022A 654020-2 0.83 1.00

Clamping bushing for statorv. 2mm
022B 654502-4 0.83 1.00

Tapping screw 5x60mm
023 266044-2 0.83 1.00

Intermediate Plate
024 453283-5 1.43 1.72

Rubber ring 13mm
025 261103-7 0.83 1.00

Rubber Ring for Bearing
026 421479-6 4.58 5.50

Ball bearing 698zz
027 210016-9 5.88 7.06

Insulation ring
028 681654-8 0.83 1.00

029 513828-2 43.02 51.62

Fan 70
030 240133-1 2.44 2.93

Ball Bearing 6001dw
031 211131-2 9.52 11.42

Locking Button
032 346547-3 1.51 1.81

Compression Spring 7
033 233429-7 0.83 1.00

034 286039-9 0.83 1.00

Screw 4x12
035 911116-5 0.83 1.00

036 453287-7 5.24 6.29

Screw 4x12
037 911116-5 0.83 1.00

Drainage Nozzle
038 453285-1 1.80 2.16

039 141311-5 48.51 58.21

Hex bolt M6X18 Hs6101
040 265594-4 4.58 5.50

Hexagon Bolt 5x8
041 266229-0 0.83 1.00

Rubber bush 6
042 262552-1 1.01 1.21

Screw 6x20
043 251247-1 0.83 1.00

O-ring 44
044 213560-5 1.21 1.45

Ball bearing 607llb
045 211021-9 4.58 5.50

046 227754-6 19.80 23.76

Spindle Ass'y
047 326127-1 3.65 4.38

Bearing Housing
048 318820-1 3.65 4.38

Screw 5x16
049 911224-2 0.83 1.00

Ball Bearing 6003ddw
050 210301-0 5.96 7.15

Bearing Locking Ring 23-36
051 285848-3 1.01 1.21

Pull Spring 4mm
052 231877-4 0.83 1.00

Protective Shield
053 318821-9 19.80 23.76

054 272271-1 0.83 1.00

Tapping Screw Ct4x16
055 266034-5 0.83 1.00

Lock ring S-42
056 961201-4 1.21 1.45

Washer 17
057 257279-6 0.83 1.00

No information available, not orderable
058 224412-5

Outer flange 35mm
059 224409-4 1.72 2.06

Allen bolt M8x20
060 266283-4 1.21 1.45

Screw 4x8
061 911109-2 0.83 1.00

Blocking plate Hs6101
062 453362-9 1.02 1.22

Adjustment lever
063 272273-7 2.93 3.52

Nut M6
064 264071-3 1.43 1.72

6mm Washer
065 267100-1 1.01 1.21

Bushing 6
066 257669-3 0.83 1.00

6mm Washer
067 267100-1 1.01 1.21

Depth stop
068 141312-3 4.58 5.50

Slotted bolt M6x20
069 251919-8 0.83 1.00

Gradation guide
070 165670-3 1.21 1.45

Hexagon socket screw 4x20
071 922137-2 0.83 1.00

Collar pin 6-7
072 256480-0 0.83 1.00

Lock Nut M4x7mm
073 252126-6 0.83 1.00

Hex lock nut 5x8
074 252103-8 0.83 1.00

Angle Guide
075 345590-9 2.80 3.36

Collar pin 6-7
076 256480-0 0.83 1.00

077 318823-5 1.27 1.52

O-ring 9
078 213062-1 0.83 1.00

Self tapping screw M5
079 266734-7 1.27 1.52

Adjusting screw M6x10mm
080 265571-6 2.08 2.50

Stopring E-6
081 259053-8 0.83 1.00

Lock Lever
082 453165-1 0.83 1.00

Torsion Spring 11mm
083 233596-8 0.83 1.00

Screw 5x8
084 911203-0 0.83 1.00

Scale Hs7101
085 453286-9 1.28 1.54

Lock washer E-8
086 257982-9 0.83 1.00

Adjustment lever
087 272272-9 1.72 2.06

Allen bolt M6X20mm DHS660 A
088 265B21-3 0.83 1.00

6mm Washer
089 267100-1 1.01 1.21

Hex socket head bolt M6x8
090 265894-2 0.83 1.00

Hex socket head bolt M6x8
091 265894-2 0.83 1.00

Hex socket head bolt M6x8
092 265894-2 0.83 1.00

Base plate
093 318819-6 31.62 37.94

Hex socket head bolt M6x8
094 265894-2 0.83 1.00

6mm Washer
095 267100-1 1.01 1.21

Screw M6
096 252631-3 2.08 2.50

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