Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Makita 8411D'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Makita 8411D

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Makita 8411D

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

Boorkop snelspan 1,0-10 mm
001 192282-9 28.90 34.68

Screw 5x22
002 251451-2 1.01 1.21

No information available, not orderable
003 322541-9

Feather Key 4
004 254011-9 0.83 1.00

Steel ball 4.8
005 216002-8 0.83 1.00

Ball Bearing 6201dw1
006 211129-9 7.44 8.93

Washer 12 *
007 253071-8 0.83 1.00

Washer 12 *
008 253071-8 0.83 1.00

No information available, not orderable
009 226255-1

No information available, not orderable
010 153215-9

Adjustable Pin Hp1300S-Nhp1300S *
011 321111-1 5.88 7.06

Switch slide
012 414740-8 1.51 1.81

Switch Sw-104
013 650500-6 39.89 47.87

Housing Set 8411D *
014 182822-1 26.11 31.33

Self-tapping screw 4x20
016 265925-7 0.83 1.00

Screw 4x22
017 911143-2 0.83 1.00

Switch handle
018 415671-4 1.01 1.21

No information available, not orderable
019 343579-1

Slide Bearing 4
020 214019-5 0.83 1.00

021 153213-3 23.74 28.49

16 * Washer
022 267098-2 0.83 1.00

Gear 15 6201Dw-6211Dw-631*
023 226245-4 2.08 2.50

Gear 15 6201Dw-6211Dw-631*
024 226245-4 2.08 2.50

Gear 15 6201Dw-6211Dw-631*
025 226245-4 2.08 2.50

Gear 48 6201Dw-6211Dw-631*
026 226248-8 9.52 11.42

Washer 18
027 253794-8 0.83 1.00

Motor 12V 6211Dw-6311Dw-8411Dw
028 629636-2 35.99 43.19

Motor press plate *
029 343970-3 1.24 1.49

Ball bearing 404*
030 211044-7 9.52 11.42

4 Washer
031 267099-0 0.83 1.00

Compression Spring 8
032 231025-5 0.83 1.00

Thin Washer 8
033 253339-2 0.83 1.00

Gear 25
034 226261-6 14.23 17.08

Washer 12 6201/11/8411/12D *
036 257178-2 2.08 2.50

Gear 40
038 226247-0 2.56 3.07

Thin Washer 8
039 253339-2 0.83 1.00

Inlegspie 3
040 254236-5 2.05 2.46

Compression Spring 8
041 231025-5 0.83 1.00

No information available, not orderable
042 257550-8

Stopring E-7
043 961013-5 0.83 1.00

Ball bearing 608llb
044 210043-6 1.72 2.06

No information available, not orderable
045 226256-9

Countersunk Screw M4 *
046 265007-5 0.83 1.00

Blocking plate 6201Dw-6211Dw-6*
047 343987-6 3.22 3.86

Leaf Spring
048 232053-3 0.83 1.00

Leaf Spring
049 232053-3 0.83 1.00

Adjustment knob 800-N800 *
050 414564-2 1.24 1.49

Speed slider 6201Dw-6211Dw-6 *
053 415014-0 2.08 2.50

Battery clamp
056 643918-8 7.44 8.93

Washer 4 *
058 267111-6 0.83 1.00

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