Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Fein 72025100230 ( BOZ32-4M )'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Fein 72025100230 ( BOZ32-4M )

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Technical drawing 2
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Fein 72025100230 ( BOZ32-4M )

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

10 31349001010 385.35 462.42

Stator 230V50H
20 31349002000 185.02 222.02

Motor housing
30 31349003000 112.29 134.75

Air guide ring
40 31349004000 11.87 14.24

Brush holder 230V
50 31349005000 15.31 18.37

Pressure piece
60 31349006000 1.25 1.50

Carbon brush 220/230V
70 31349007000 16.27 19.52

80 31349008000 4.10 4.92

90 31349009000 1.25 1.50

100 31349010000 1.25 1.50

Grooved ball bearing
110 31349011000 14.36 17.23

Ring magnet
120 31349012000 15.95 19.14

Bearing bush
130 31349013000 5.77 6.92

140 31349014000 196.50 235.80

Toggle switch
150 31349015000 37.00 44.40

Sheet metal screw
160 31349016000 1.25 1.50

170 31349017000 15.95 19.14

Sheet metal screw
180 31349018000 2.29 2.75

Speed setting switch
190 31349019000 68.90 82.68

220 31349022000 11.87 14.24

Handle half shell Set
230 31349023000 37.00 44.40

240 31349024000 22.97 27.56

Cable with plug
250 31349025000 26.16 31.39

Cable grommet
260 31349026000 6.19 7.43

Cable clamping piece
270 31349027000 2.29 2.75

Sheet metal screw
280 31349028000 1.25 1.50

Sheet metal screw
290 31349029000 1.25 1.50

Sheet metal screw
300 31349030000 2.29 2.75

Intermediate gear box
310 31349031000 137.81 165.37

320 31349032000 1.25 1.50

Grooved ball bearing
330 31349033000 22.97 27.56

340 31349034000 1.25 1.50

Sheet metal screw
350 31349035000 1.25 1.50

370 31349037000 6.82 8.18

Straight pin
380 31349038000 1.25 1.50

Gearbox housing
390 31349039000 182.47 218.96

Grooved ball bearing
400 31349040000 11.87 14.24

Needle bearing
410 31349041000 34.45 41.34

420 31349042000 1.25 1.50

Grooved ball bearing
430 31349043000 31.58 37.90

440 31349044000 1.25 1.50

Grooved ball bearing
450 31349045000 31.58 37.90

Sealing ring
460 31349046000 1.25 1.50

470 31349047000 2.29 2.75

Clutch Z=29/22/13
570 31349057000 271.79 326.15

Shaft, toothed Z=12/20
580 31349058000 104.63 125.56

Feather key
590 31349059000 3.48 4.18

Gear-wheel Z=30/39
600 31349060000 84.22 101.06

Selector shaft
610 31349061000 21.05 25.26

Switch pushbutton
620 31349062000 5.77 6.92

Shaft, toothed Z=12
630 31349063000 74.01 88.81

Gear-wheel Z=31/33
640 31349064000 94.42 113.30

650 31349065000 118.67 142.40

Gear-wheel Z=39
660 31349066000 94.42 113.30

670 31349067000 1.25 1.50

Feather key
680 31349068000 3.48 4.18

690 31349069000 1.25 1.50

700 31349070000 52.32 62.78

710 31349071000 2.29 2.75

Covering plate
720 31349072000 5.77 6.92

Connecting cable
730 31349073000 8.08 9.70

Connecting cable
740 31349074000 8.08 9.70

Connecting cable
750 31349075000 3.13 3.76

Feather key
760 31349076000 3.48 4.18

Selector shaft
770 31349077000 21.05 25.26

Connecting cable
780 31349078000 7.24 8.69

5000 63305004001 7.18 8.62

No longer available, no replacement
6000 31349079000

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