Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Bosch 3601F4L901 ( GSA12V-14 )'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Bosch 3601F4L901 ( GSA12V-14 )

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Bosch 3601F4L901 ( GSA12V-14 )

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

1 1619P08600 12.41 14.89

Electronics Module
4 1619P08618 60.65 72.78

Manufacturer's nameplate GSA 12V-14
9 1619P14286 1.94 2.33

Gear Cover
26 1619P08606 10.73 12.88

Infeed spindle
29 1619P08610 15.71 18.85

Spring Retainer
30 1619P08611 1.18 1.42

Retaining ring
31 1619P08612 1.18 1.42

Clamp ring
32 1619P08613 7.58 9.10

Torsion Spring
33 1619P08614 0.83 1.00

Retaining Pin
34 1619P13440 1.94 2.33

Detent Pin
35 1619P08603 1.94 2.33

Control Sleeve
36 1619P08616 5.33 6.40

Protective Washer
37 2610908804 1.94 2.33

Thread-forming tap. Screw
41 1619P08621 0.83 1.00

Plastic-Cutting Screw
42 1619P08622 0.83 1.00

Supporting foot
45 1619P08625 13.11 15.73

Supporting foot
45 1600A00Y05 5.83 7.00

Felt Washer
46 2610947537 0.83 1.00

Felt Seal
47 1619P08627 0.83 1.00

Locking Lever
48 1619P08665 1.70 2.04

49 1619P08646 0.83 1.00

52 1619P08617 1.70 2.04

53 1619P08626 0.83 1.00

Protective Cover
55 1619P08645 1.94 2.33

57 1619P08630 1.70 2.04

Shaft Seal
58 1619P12117 0.83 1.00

Battery Pack EU GBA 12V 4.0Ah O-B SCM
91 1607A350BW 91.56 109.87

Battery Pack GBA 12V 3,0 Ah Li
91 1607A3506A 73.72 88.46

Battery Pack GBA 12V 2.0Ah Li SCM
91 1607A350C5 55.25 66.30

Battery Pack 12V, 2,5Ah, LI GBA
91 1607A35049 49.56 59.47

Fast Charger EU GAL 1230 CV 230/12V
653 2607226101 67.25 80.70

Fast Charger GB GAL 1230 CV 230/12V
653 2607226105 44.82 53.78

DC motor 10,8V
802 1619P08652 26.84 32.21

808 1619P14307 1.94 2.33

823 1619P08651 23.75 28.50

828 1619P13959 5.33 6.40

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